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Perfect Man



I just off a Skype session with my parents and sister and my (yes) dog.
I know it's time for bed, if I want to avoid getting into 'zombie mode' tomorrow.
But this one, this one is something I want to remember.
And maybe, just maybe, I'll show this post to my children just to let them know how 'cool' their grandpa is. LOLS.

We were talking about daily stuff and I told them stories about my dear Fani who just got her miraculous job and pass, without any form of interview whatsoever.
My mom was superexcited because she also prayed for her for quite a while.
Then she mentioned about praying for, you know, stuff.
I mean lol guy stuff. front of my dad.
Wrong move, Mom. Wrong move.
Knowing my Dad, I knew he'll make some kind of speech about this topic.
For sure.

And yes. That's exactly what happened.

Before I tell you what he actually said, let me give you a brief background of my Dad.

Dad came from a small town, second boy of the family.
My grandpa was a soldier of some sort, carrying gun and stuff.
He passed away when my dad was still a teenager.
So the eldest brother brought my Dad with him, 2 penniless boys, to Bandung.
Well, I wasn't quite sure how, but they both managed to work while obtaining their degree.
Simply put, Dad met Mom in a youth group in one of Church in Bandung.
(Mom said, he asked if he could pick mom up to a choir practice. Choir.......)
Back then, my Dad was a (according to himself, clarified by old photos I found in my grandma's place) Worship Leader/song writer/guitarist and women mooned over him.
Ok lah.
They got their degree.
Dad became a lawyer. Got married.
And there I entered the picture.

There were times in my life when I was scared of my Dad.
He was fierce and the kind that cane.
I got caned once when he found out I walked to my Grandma's place just to get a magazine (Bobo LOL) because I couldn't wait for it to be delivered to my place.
Growing up, there were times when I almost hate my Dad.
That's when the illusion of the perfect Dad shattered, and I understood that superheroes were only humans with cape after all.

But when the storms were over and we reconciled, I know that I love my Dad, no matter what.
Because he loves me. And because he taught me to love God more than anything.
And that's what mattered the most.

Okay. Back to my Dad's speech just now.


 1. He should have a desire to grow more and more in Christ.

(FYI, we've passed the point of talking about unequally-yoked one.

Dad told me that lots of his friend that served together years ago, back slide and left Church, in the end leaving their family behind, and all that because they first left Jesus. According to him, yes, people may minister so fervently in Church, but if there is no desire to grow in Christ, to know more of Him, to intimately understand His heart, well, what's the point?
People may judge based on appearances, but He searched deeper to our hearts.
Pleasing people is not equal to pleasing God.
Vice versa.
My Dad said, he should show his love of God by serving people in his workplace, not limited to his Church community.

Well, I just nodded in agreement to this first point Dad made.

2. He should know his role in the family and have a spirit of understanding

Dad told me that he should know his role as a leader and head of the family. He should be the one 'directing' the path of the family.
And I should be a strong helper, like a pillar that hold the roof steady.
He should posses the spirit of understanding, so when some kind of storm comes (and storm always comes), he knows what to do and how to direct the whole family to react.

..and I couldn't be more agree to this lol.
How many times I saw the role reversed, it doesn't turn up good for the entire family.
I know that leading the entire 'pack' is a BIG responsibility.
But then to obey is not THAT easy either. It requires a humble heart.
And most of the times, pride gets in the way.

Just know I Googled the 'spirit of understanding' (kids these days...)
Here goes :

Isaiah 11:2 tells us that the next function or operation produced by the Spirit of God, giving us the Mind of Christ, is the Spirit of Understanding. Just because we have God's Wisdom written and inscribed in our hearts does not necessarily mean that we'll understand that Wisdom. 
This is a whole other step.
 The Spirit of Understanding is God's supernatural revelation-His secret insights to His Word.  Understanding simply means a "putting together" or a comprehending or a grasping of His Word. The Spirit of God illuminates our hearts and gives us understanding of His Wisdom.
In other words, He "turns on the lights for us." 

You can read the full article here

Ok that's all.
No 3rd criteria??

Apparently no. LOL.

I know that some parents set a certain set of rule for their children, especially when it comes to find a life partner.
A certain believe, a certain status, a certain background, a certain race, etc etc.

And knowing that this (most important) TWO criteria is enough for my Dad, well..

I know, I know that no man is perfect.

But my Dad is a perfect Dad for me :)

It goes without saying, but here goes..
I love you, Dad.


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