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Showing posts from 2015

Curhat #4 (Best Christmas Pressie)

Yellow hello!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS AWESOME PEOPLEE!! Blogging from my very own bedroom with si bandel Mupin sleeping right beside me. What more could I ask, really. Hahahhaa. I have lots of stories from our short-getaway. Epic moments. But I'll tell you later. Now I just want to bask in the glory of Jesus' amazing love. This is the kind of feeling that I just want to bottle up forever. And never let go. Okeh sebelum cerita, below is one song that has blessed me a lot (tears and all).  Enjoy ;) Okeh. Here goes. I have blogged a lot about this friend of mine. We've met in uni. (OMG it's been 7 years......) Have been praying for him for quite some times. (2 yrs? 3 yrs? ga inget.) Mulainya gw itu ga ngerti, kenapa gw musti temenan ama ini bocah. Gw ga bermaksud over-analyze stuff here, tp as I grew deeper in love with Christ, I found it harder and harder to talk to him. Gausah ngomongin curhat girly2 deh. Ngomongin hal biasa aja bisa jadi

Curhat #3 (Bukan Orang Baik)

Tadi siang, seorang temen (sebut saja Budi) tau2 Line gw. It's a screen-shot of another friend's post in Path (sebut saja Mawar). Kata si Budi, "Mawar sudah tak sama lagi Kez." Ya intinya, si Mawar (rada malesin pake kode2, tp yaudah lah ya bear with me) ini adalah temen deketketket gw banget. Kalo dari segi karakter, dia itu bawang putih dan gw adalah onggokan bawang merah. Bukannya gw suka menyiksa yeh. Lebih kaya.. Dia itu tipikal menantu idaman dah. Yang bisa bikin mertua happy, suami betah di rumah, rajin berdoa, soleha, santun, sopan, rajin menabung, dll dll. Nah ya gw macam yang kebalikannya dia dah : aga2 seperti lelaki (ga takut kecoak, serangga, dll), bisa ganti bohlam sendiri, volume suara agak besar (apalagi kalo ketawa), dll yang mungkin bisa bkin mertua urut dada wkwkwkwkwkwk. Yah singkat cerita, gw ngobrol sm si Budi and I got it. People change. Pertanyaannya : ke arah MANA kamu berubah. Honestly, gw sedih dan gw merasa

Curhat #2 (Mendadak Singer)

"Kok kamu bisa tiba2 jadi singer?" At least there were 5 people came to me with that question ahhahahaha. Seriously. If you're amazed, apalagi gw! Ceritanya hari ini gw harusnya pelayanan keyboard di BIS. Shilton maen filler. Jarang2 deh kita bisa pelayanan pake filler.. keyboardist aja cuman 2 gituhh. Then this afternoon when I was just arrived, there's only ONE keyboard. Apparently there's no filler for the previous service. Eh tiba2 gw ngomong "Apa gw singer aja" HAHAHA. Sebenernya gw becanda sih.. Cuman taunya ciciks WL bilang "There's one extra mic here loh" Wihh! Gw lgs excited mennn. Kaya dari dulu gw pngen jadi singer HAHA! Seriusan ini. Udah dari taun2 lalu pengen ikut audisi singer cuman yah.. Ntar anak2 bebek terlantar krn emaknya kesibukan kemana2 kan gw tanggung jawabnya sama Big Boss juga hahaha. But  I guess God hears even the tiniest whisper of your heart... Singkat cerita. Begitulah

Curhat #1 (Latihan Baca Signal)

Yellow hello :) I'm safely tucked under the duvet. But before I go to sleep, there's a thing or two I've gotta write. Yesterday was a different kind of Sunday. After an impromptu movie date with a friend, we split up and I went around this mall alone. I saw a dress (surprise, surprise) and I was reminded that I need (well, want hahaha) a new dress for Christmas dinner with the ladies. So off I tried it on and went "Well well.. Not bad. Not too shabby my friend. Hmmhmm. Should I?" Out of the blue, He spoke. "Do you think I can't give you something better than.. That." Jleb! Bulls-eye. I went out from the shop without carrying any shopping bag. ____________________________________________ Gila deh, udah sekitar 2 mingguan ini there's one thing that's been kept on repeat over and over again. "KEZIA. WAIT." But.. Wait for what, God? I don't have a clue. I mean, I know there's something big coming my way,

Ketika Galau Menyapa

Yellow hello :) A few days ago, a friend of mine asked me these questions : "Ke, lu pernah galau ga sih? I mean kaya.. Mau for good balik Indo? Or galau pindah kerjaan? Galau pasangan hidup?" At that moment, I straight away said, "I did. Tapi sekarang udah ga galau lagi" Then she told me that it's been her yearly question : to stay, or not to stay. "Waktu liat temen skolah lu udah buka usaha di Indo. Or liat yang pada postingan foto bayi masing masing. Trus gw jadi bertanya-tanya. Gw balik Indo ga yah? Kalo balik, kapan?" I know exactly how she feels. I was there myself. I think I wrote a lot about this before. Intinya gw sih ditempatin di SG dan gw ga perlu galau balik Indo ya karena assurance gw adalah gw di SG. (Or at least for now. Lah ntar kan kalo merit mah nurut ahhaha). Galau pindah kerjaan? Pernah juga. Baru taun lalu bahkan haha. Tapi Tuhan bilang kan "Not yet" lewat jebakan batman Tim Ho Wan hahaha

Masalah Jodoh

Helloh! Ini harusnya gw udah tidur....... It's been a quite busy month (understatement detected). We're preparing for Youth Revival Night this coming Saturday. Feels like yesterday waktu Ko Remon ajakin makan Tim Howan yg ternyata adalah jebakan Batman. Ha ha ha. Ga lah. I believe He's moving and it's an honor, a privilege to be able to take part in this movement, where He touches and changes lives. People said "with great power, comes great responsibility". But I guess with God, it's the other way around. With great responsibility (that's given by Him), comes great power (an abundance in provision. Whatever you need, He provides). Gitu deh panjang kalo gw mau share sih macem2. Mulai dari si Febe yang dibaptis. LIKE FINALLEH. Ntar kita crita2 kapan ya. The highlight was when Febe just stepped out from the water. She hugged me. (I've bathed and dandan and catokan already. But then.. When your newly baptized sister hugged you, what els

Love, Actually

Yellow hellow semua! Udah berapa taon ini blog ga disentuh, berdebu men hahah. Life's good, life's good. Kebanyakan update sampe ga tau mau mulai dari mana nih. Mungkin gw langsung to the point aja biar cepet yak. Belakangan ini gw lagi dijodo2in sama anak2. But then again, what's new? Bahaha. Kayanya ini anak2 haus kasih sayang seorg ayah apa gw yg kaya haus.. eh well. Hopefully not the latter hmm. Last Saturday, abis nongkrong2 sebentar (not really sebentar I guess), gw sempet ngobrol2 sama seorang anak. Sebut saja R, Sebelumnya, ada yg nyeletuk 'Ah tapi si Kekez sih kayanya siap selibat ya'. Trus si R ga ngerti apa itu selibat. Menurut abang Wikipedia : Celibacy  (from  Latin ,  cælibatus" ) is the state of voluntarily being unmarried,  sexually abstinent , or both, usually for religious reasons. [1] [2] [3] [4]  It is often in association with the role of a religious official or devotee. [1]  In its narrow sense, the term  c