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Showing posts from May, 2014

Rain Down, May!

Yellow yellow!! Been a while. A long while. LOL. May's been.. Awesome. Not to mention Hong Kong in 3 days. Oh well ;) Here's a quick (or not-so-quick) recap for my future-older-self. Went back Indo early of the month just to give a birthday shout-out to my Daddy :) Got to see how my baby Muff has grown beautifully, with her red fur glowing. Imma proud mom. LOLS. Got to spend some time, heart to heart with Dad. Like, you think you know who your parents are? But then you grew up and realized that they are so much more than you ever thought about them. How they were once like you, young and naive and child-less. LOL. How they once went through the same stage of life like yours, making decisions that made them who they are today. Never thought that your parents wouldn't understand what 'this' feels like (whatever 'this' is), because they actually have been THERE first before you do. So, share things with yours. Hear what they