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Showing posts from January, 2014

Not Just Another Weekend

Yellow yellow! It's almost 1AM and I'm too kiasu I don't wanna sleep. Not only because tomorrow's Monday and I don't wanna let go of my weekend, but this weekend happened to be one of the best!!!!!!!! Ok lah sorry for the over-used exclamation marks. But really! Yesterday, after TLG service, we went to eat this Korean food in Concorde Hotel. The food are niceeee. But our fellowship is always nicer. LOL. Ok lah. I got 'bullied' as usual. You might find it weird, but that's how we show our love to each other. LOL. We're planning for a stay-cation at the Praptanas' for those who doesn't go back during CNY. It should be badminton sessions (for ladies) and basket (for gents), followed by a sumptuous hotpot the day after. I don't know why, but I got assigned to buy 1.5kg of sliced beef <-- bullied="" font=""> Then the next day, off we go to MacRitchie. Wheeeee!!!!!!!! (more exclamatio

Well, At Least..

TGIF everybody! Can't believe 3 weeks from January 2014 has passed, just like that. Just wanna share briefly about something I got today. I was in the middle of a virtual conversation with a friend. He told me how half of his day were wasted on trivial stuff at work. Honestly, I was not in my best mood at that point in time. I was having this weirdest gastric ever. Weird, because the last time it happened was when I was in primary school. Since then, I almost never skip a meal. I might eat earlier before the usual time. But late? Almost never. LOL. Anyway....... My only response to his complain was, "Well, at least you're alive and well" I mean, I'd give up half of my effective working day if that means I got rid of the gastric. You know what his response was? An unbelievable "well, there's always this 'at least' in all kind of situations". I was fuming for a few minutes. LOL. But then it downed

Lifelines and The Anchor

Yellow beloved! Blogging from the coziest position one could ever ask. Really. Under the flowery duvet. Typing on this lightweight baby lol lol. "Stay and Wait" (acoustic one) playing on my YouTube. The room is cool and warm at the same time. LOL. Moving onnn. Work was Crazy. Yes. With the capital C. Haha. But thank God, the maximum OT I did so far was only for.. 15 mins. Bahaha! You should know. I was super weary super anxious to face the 1st working day of 2014. I was afraid of my input tray, which, according to my colleague/friend, was 'HORRORR'. Well, apparently my imagination was scarier than the reality itself. Because, honestly, I can't ask for a better first-(post holi)day than this. Anyway. Just wanna share a bit. Something that was revealed to me earlier during my holiday and became clearer and clearer each day. I was about to post this family photo on my Instagram (lol) when I was reminded of this word: 

Holiday's Overrrrrrr

So. My last night in Jakarta :(:(:( What is it with holiday. Days passed too fast! I forgot things too fast and too often, so I better write it here :) I'm grateful for this 12 days I spent in Indo. Grateful for the Bandung trip. For meeting ups with high school friend, with impromptu dinner with The Royal's friend. For the sweet quality brunch with my best friend. For another not-so-impromptu-yet-eyeopening reunion with college friends. For arranged meeting and every roads taken in between with beloved. I'm grateful that I got a chance to accompany my sister through the tonsil removal surgery (eww much) and for the teeny-tiny sofa shared with mom for 2 nights in a row. I'm grateful for every meal taken, for I never got any diarrhea this time around. LOL. I'm grateful for Jakarta's traffic that, so far, is friendly and bearable. Hahah. However, above all turns and events, I am most grateful for the people involved. I'm gra