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Showing posts from October, 2017


…looking back I was wondering why I was so brave back then lol. I just re-read what I wrote 3 months ago. THREE MONTHS! Can't believe it's been 3 months! Can't believe it's the last trimester of 2017! So many things had happened in the short 3 months.. I kinda lost count on the happenings. Milestones! First ministry trip. First birthday out of SG (Indo doesn't count lol). First (and hopefully LAST) experience of 'boyfriend-does-my-make-up challenge' wkwkwkwkwkwk. The thing is, not all milestones can be seen easily. For me, mostly are hidden. Some are even hidden from myself. It takes God to do the unrevealing and unveiling of the heart. And not everything He unearthed from the soil of my heart are beautiful things. Some are downright chaotic and messy. But that's how great the Father's love for us, isn't it? He gave up the grandness of heaven so we could experience this Love. Such Love.. And I assure you. No amount of love co