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Showing posts from 2019

Things I Never Thought I'd Say #1

YELLOW EVERYONE! Setelah seratus purnama yah HAHAH. I' ve been wanting to write about this one particular topic. Been fascinated about this since probably a decade ago (yaowo tua bner hamba). I've learned from many sources, from sermons (online and offline), from books, and especially from observing real life cases, mulai dari parents, friends, sampe ke personal experiences *uhuk* I didn't really understand why, among MANY topics, He chose to magnify this thing to me. OK SO. Langsung aja. Let's talk about........ *drumrolls* SUBMISSION. Google says: submission /səbˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ Learn to pronounce noun 1.  the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person. Yak itu tak copy paste mentah2 HAHAHA. Ga ngerti lah ini dulu tuh semacam "cuss word" sih buat hambamu yang kepala batu ini. Try saying this to me a a few years ago : "Keke. You must submit t

A Glimpse of the Future

"Encounter with God releases your destiny; faithfulness carries it to completion." November 2018. That was a quote from Ko Rai's sermon on one Sunday in NGS service. I posted the quote on my Insta feed because I was SUPERIMPACTED by that simple lines. I recall what God has done. And I was.. SHOOKT. SHOOKT TO THE CORE OF MYSELF. I was digging through my WA chat history and I'm GRATEFUL BEYOND MEASURE for my hooman-diaries because tbh my brain is wired like Dory in Finding Nemo, I forgot easily. The very first prophecy I received was in October 2016. 29 October 2016. A few sentences that was SO ON POINT I could even see it's getting more ON POINT as time goes by. Other than the "I will give you nations" which is still in progress of course, there's this one sentence, "Rise up, daughter of Zion." So apparently, I have texted a dear sistur of mine, Gece, in 22 November 2017 (it's still in the hist


IT'S BEEN A WHILEEEE PEOPLE! Ohmy. Life has been nothing but a boring one. Twist and turn and twist and turn. Not a day passed just like that in God's roller coaster ride. Do you know why I can finally blog after all this time? God graced me with a 2 days MC. Ear infection. Normal flu combined with air pressure was not good, apparently. HAHAHA. Udah disuruh rest lagi. Baru mau worried tentang kerjaan, God shut me up (like always), "After all this time?? You don't believe that I can take care of all that??" HAHAHAHA ok God. I don't know where to start. Kelamaan ga nulis ahhahaha. Blame it on Instagram! I wrote so much over there already. hahaha. Anyway. Sydney trip. I went there for Linx and Pau's wedding. I mentioned them in previous post. Linx and Pau are special in my heart. I know it's much practical to attend their Indo wedding. But, I wanted more than just the party. I wanted the holy matrimony.  Fo