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Showing posts from September, 2015

Love, Actually

Yellow hellow semua! Udah berapa taon ini blog ga disentuh, berdebu men hahah. Life's good, life's good. Kebanyakan update sampe ga tau mau mulai dari mana nih. Mungkin gw langsung to the point aja biar cepet yak. Belakangan ini gw lagi dijodo2in sama anak2. But then again, what's new? Bahaha. Kayanya ini anak2 haus kasih sayang seorg ayah apa gw yg kaya haus.. eh well. Hopefully not the latter hmm. Last Saturday, abis nongkrong2 sebentar (not really sebentar I guess), gw sempet ngobrol2 sama seorang anak. Sebut saja R, Sebelumnya, ada yg nyeletuk 'Ah tapi si Kekez sih kayanya siap selibat ya'. Trus si R ga ngerti apa itu selibat. Menurut abang Wikipedia : Celibacy  (from  Latin ,  cælibatus" ) is the state of voluntarily being unmarried,  sexually abstinent , or both, usually for religious reasons. [1] [2] [3] [4]  It is often in association with the role of a religious official or devotee. [1]  In its narrow sense, the term  c