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Showing posts from October, 2020

Redefining 2020 : What Courage Looks Like

To say that the last 3 weeks was a roller coaster ride was an understatement. HAHA! Today should be the VISA interview day. But looking back to the last 7 weeks, all I can say is that: SWITCHING TO BSSMO WAS SIMPLY ONE OF THE BEST DECISION IN LIFE!! THANK YOU, GOD, FOR NEVER GIVING UP ON ME! I’m not saying that everything is rainbows and butterflies HAHA. In fact, I’ve never been so challenged as much as I am these days. The curriculum is designed to put “internal pressure” so that whatever GOLD may surface and together with the gold, (this is the scary part) lies and pains and false identity surfaced, too. You know, sometimes it feels so much easier to turn a blind eye and deny the issue within. TBH, on some days I dread watching the new materials or going for revival groups, because facing the hidden ugliness in us requires so much courage. But of course, growing means admitting the issue and confronting ourselves so that God can redeem what we bring under the light. For those in the