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Showing posts from October, 2015

Masalah Jodoh

Helloh! Ini harusnya gw udah tidur....... It's been a quite busy month (understatement detected). We're preparing for Youth Revival Night this coming Saturday. Feels like yesterday waktu Ko Remon ajakin makan Tim Howan yg ternyata adalah jebakan Batman. Ha ha ha. Ga lah. I believe He's moving and it's an honor, a privilege to be able to take part in this movement, where He touches and changes lives. People said "with great power, comes great responsibility". But I guess with God, it's the other way around. With great responsibility (that's given by Him), comes great power (an abundance in provision. Whatever you need, He provides). Gitu deh panjang kalo gw mau share sih macem2. Mulai dari si Febe yang dibaptis. LIKE FINALLEH. Ntar kita crita2 kapan ya. The highlight was when Febe just stepped out from the water. She hugged me. (I've bathed and dandan and catokan already. But then.. When your newly baptized sister hugged you, what els