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Showing posts from March, 2016

Why Me, Lord?

Yellow hello :) It's almost midnight, as usual, the only time of day when everything is kinda quite down and I could just sit down and write. Today I'm just superduper thankful for the family He's given me here in Singapore. My mom, dad, and Feb just came back to Indo today and I miss them already and how deep is His love for me that I got the next session of mentorship arranged just a few hours after they have left for the airport. Coincidence? Mehh.. It's God for sure. ANYWAY. Here's what I'm about to share. Ceritanya kan taun ini adalah 'The Year of TOTAL FREEDOM'. And really. Ini baru aja kaya mid of March, but there's a lot of things yg Tuhan ijinin terjadi, yang bikin gw menyadari there are things in my life that I gotta settle and make right before God. First of all, yang paling penting adalah to grasp the idea of 'Total Freedom' di dalam Tuhan. Karena our kind of freedom is 180 degree from His! Fre