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Showing posts from February, 2015

You Make Me Brave

"Mama sih gapapa kalo kamu ga nikah" EAA!! Kalo ini sinetron, pasti udah zoom in, lagu tambah dramatis, trus " be continued" Wkwkwk. Tapi ini bukan sinetron sih, ini gw lg berbincang2 sama mama n dede. Yep so last CNY hols I went back Jkt. Seneng banget cuti bentar tapi dapetnya almost one whole week! Yippee!  My dad insisted we're going Bandung. Dia pengen belanjain kita di FO gitu2. Ya gw sih enjoy aja lah yaa.. Meskipun yg banyakan belanja juga si Papa Mama. Gw ama si dede sempet ilang makan sosis sampe nambah aja mereka belom kelar. Ohwell. Now I know knp gw demen belanja. Hahahaha. I love the food. Obviously. I love waking up to Muffin barking minta naik ke ranjang gw. I love the impromptu ngemil tengah malem. And most of all, I love the curhat session. Of course di sini cuman gw sama mama and dede lah ya. Girls talk gitu deh. Mulai soal kuliah skripsi dkk (Febe), soal kerjaan, promosi, new responsibilities (gw) s

The Big L

Yellow hellow!! Long time never blog I don't even know where to start. January 2015 flies like Iron Man. So fast, right! And know it's February already. Valentine's Day in 14 days. I know some of you have prepared a surprise romantic dinner, or flower arrangement, or apa lah gitu yg berbau2 mushy mushy for their loved ones. But some others, the singles and jomblos, might hear Valentine's and *sigh* just another day. Or worse : galau and deep in despair #bukancurhat Ok lah, jadi menyambut hari Valentine, here I am writing about the big L. LOVE. What? I'm not always jomblo, you know. Gw jg pernah muda! (bukannya skrg uda tua jg si..) Just wanna share some stuff I've picked up along the way. WHY FALL IN LOVE? Ya, basically Tuhan bikin kita out of love. Even if your parents don't, He definitely DOES. Buat Tuhan, we are not an accident, not a mistake, not just a coincidence krn Dia iseng aja bkin orang2an. Nope. Therefore, the