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Showing posts from 2022

Thirty Three Is The New Three

“God’s reward growth with pruning. More growth.” I stumbled across a worship moment on YouTube and the word spoken by Michael Miller breathe fresh air into my soul. “Pruning seasons are strange. You get disoriented. You think, “What did I do wrong?” Nothing. My shears are the reward of fruitfulness. You’re being positioned for greater fruitfulness.” Sometimes I forgot that the One who wants to see all of His promises fulfilled in my life more than myself is the Promiser Himself. And in the in-between seasons, He’s still the sweetest reward. A few days ago I woke up with a DM on my Instagram. A friend stumbled across my profile, clicked on my blog and she told me she started crying because God revealed many heart issues she’s not even aware of. I am in awe of what God’s doing behind the scene. The last post was, so far, the hardest writing in my life. I wrote it down while it’s still fresh in my heart, the disappointment, the struggle, the embrace. But today, I wrote from a totally diff

At the End of My Faith

“At the end of your resources, you’ll find Mine.” The Lord spoke to me gently when I had to withdraw from my emergency fund savings. It was earlier this year. But I realized this journey begins much earlier in my life. I was an accountant and I’m really good at juggling numbers. Making them even. Balanced. But when it comes to managing my own finance, I failed. Big times. It’s either I splurged, and of course I justified myself : Hey, you earned this. Celebrate yourself! I mean, of course, if you turned towards the culture, you would find voices that agrees with your dysfunctions LOL. But deep down, I knew it’s not right. On the other hand, when my savings dwindled under a certain level that I wanted to maintain, I would turn to another extreme, I became so.. Ungenerous. Stingy. I would be so calculative, not just to people, but to myself, too. So 2 years ago, God showed me the root cause of this struggle : “Ke, all of your life, you’ve seen your early father did not cover you in this

The Boy Who Showed Me My WHY

So last week, the entire school left Redding for ministry trip around the States. I went to Phoenix for 8 days and came home to school with tons of testimonies of healing, people set free, delivered, and experiencing the love of the Father in the most tangible way. But here’s my personal take on the trip to Phoenix, AZ. I met a boy and this divine appointment marked my life forever. I told God (and my team mates), if the reason of my entire trip, all the whirlwind of fund raising and preparations, was just for this one moment with this boy, I would do it all over again.  So on an evening, I was told that I would go to minister to kids in a home church the next day. (On prerequisite of being in the trip with Bethel people is a heart that is always ready with a smiley YES to whatever comes next. HAHAH. So many last minute change, you could be blindsided by the suddenness of if. Or you can take it as an invitation to lean on the Holy Spirit leading. It’s nerve-wrecking for a bit, but once