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Showing posts from January, 2016

A Living Example

Yellow hello! The first TLG in 2016 was AWESOME! Awesome GOD!!! Personally, the best part was during doa jem 4. Ampun deh baru juga merem, doa, my heart whispered, "You're home." And He told me, "Yes. You are home." Gila deh. Gimana ga banjir.... Maap ya ci Beck tissuenya gw yang abisin wkwk. Ya gitu deh. I'm just super grateful for this little place where my soul is at home. I know that wherever I am, God is with me. But there is no place I'd rather be on a Saturday night.. And for that, I am forever grateful. God is good! Anyway. Today is not another curhat2an ga jelas dari gw wkwk. Today is about one person that has been the major influence in my life since day 1 : MAMA! Last Christmas I had a chance to spend most of my time with her, at home, nonton tv, belanja groceries ala emak2, jogging pagi sama Mupin, ke dokter check-up (baca curhatan gw sblmnya dah), kejebak macet parah di Bandung, beli martabak Boss (penting banget), curhat

Curhat #5 (Maranatha?)

Yellow hello :) Yesterday was the first day back at work in 2016. Udah galau aja Minggu malem kemarin. A bit afraid to see gundukan email and kondisi tray yang (mungkin) overflowing. But that's the thing is it? MUNGKIN. Padahal belom tentu. So before I went to bed on that Sunday night I just prayed and have faith that God who helped David defeated Goliath, will help me to conquer my personal Goliath, too. EH TERNYATA BENER KAN. First day went smoooooth like banana smoothie bahaha. But that's not the thing I wanna share here. Jadi, hari ini gw agak ga enak body, jadi gw batal berenang bersama di Clementi. Gw jg ga lari malem ini. LOH LOH LOH. Kezia berenang sama lari?? Kalo kata si cicik, menanggapi gw berenang, "MARANATHA KE!" Bahahahhahaahahha. Segitunya youu. Buat yang kenal deket sama gw, semuanya sih kaget mayan ya. Gw sama olahraga itu kaya speaker sama tusuk gigi. Ga nyambung aja. Ya kalo diitung gembol2 barang sama mond