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Showing posts from March, 2013

For Those You Love

Another awesome long weekend here :) Thanks to beloved housemates and The Royals. Superblessed by them. Hope I could bless them as much as they bless me. Anyway. Just a thing or two. The first thing. One song from The Script which I fell in love recently. No, it's not another love song ._. Trust me. Powerful music, even more powerful lyrics, I say. I think it's telling us how he misses his parents and how they become his inspiration to write songs. And I also think that this guy are willing to trade all the fame he has just to see his parents smiling back at him once again. Sad :( Man. I wish I could write such beautiful song. So that when people heard, they would know what I feel when writing the song. They even can FEEL what I felt. Anyway.. Have you ever miss someone so bad? Or a sudden thought of your parents, relative, or friends, or somebody you know flashed your mind? Ah. Don't say you never. Lol. I know you do. Well

Top 10 Galau Songs That Must be Avoided LOL

Yes, so you know what I'm about to blog about. LOLS. Really, it's been quite a journey, this blog. I used to write about myself because it was intended for self curcol years ago HAHAHA. Well, since the link to my blog just been posted out to The Royals Whatsapp group, well....... I might as well saying something meaningful, instead of self indulgence and, as Cici Gillian said, "cinta-cintaan" and stuff. Lol. Anyway, I still mentioning love thingy later, so pardon me pleaseeee :P This few weeks, I've been on diet. Diet on listening to emo songs, sad sad music with sadder lyrics. See, you must know yourself, right? Like what kind of thing that 'GET' to you the most. Some people affected by what they see. Some by what they heard. Mine is the latter. Especially songs. Songs that I can relate to. For me, songs are really powerful. They affect my soul. They can build up my spirit, or crush it down. So that's when the insp

Nasi Uduk

Warning! If you're hungry, better go find something to eat first than drooling over your laptop/phone/etc lol. Many things happened today. Like, things that gave me lasting impressions and worth to be remembered. I called this kind of stuff 'bottle-up moments'. Because some moments are just too precious, too rare, and if you could just put them all in a bottle, then you could pick one bottle, one memory, from time to time. Just to remind you how was it back then. Okay so here they are : 1. Shilton's birthday! YAY!! Legal! Happy birthday once again, Bro! All the best for your study, your ministry, your relationships with Pricil and friends, and most of all so you experience Jesus deeper in your daily life. So that in everything that you do, you feel God and ppl see Him in you as well. Keep the fire burning! :P:P 2. Ci Gil's nasi uduk! Have been drooling over her instagram's pic this morning. Her mom came and brough


Just finish unpacking my stuff. There goes Bali trip. Time flies. Seems like it's just yesterday when we heard about this company trip and that we had to register before the due date. Now the 3 days is over. Well. But I'm glad I'm home now :) It's funny, right? Things happened. Just a few days ago everything was nice and safe and so ordinary. I turned it all around in one night. It's true, isn't it? How a few seconds could make a great difference and separate present from the past. My previous blog? I finally did it. Something that I've been thinking about now and then. This battle I thought I never won because I just DON'T WANT to. Because it's easier to STAY then LEAVE. It's true, when you fight your battle on your knees, you see amazing things happened. I don't know how I got the strength and courage to do so. Somehow, I did it. Talked it all out, though I kept shivering while doing it. Many times t

Goodbye Safety Blanket

Have you seen the moon tonight? It was superbig and seems too close to the earth. Hiding behind all those trees, feels like you can climb up and if you're lucky enough, you can see Neil Armstrong's footsteps. LOL LOL. Exaggerating much! I can brag about how the wind sounds like music to my ear. Or how the bushes smell of flowers (err). Or even saying that the pedestrian which I was walking on was so soft it's like walking on clouds. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Simply put, I am happy :) Annoyingly happy. You may ask why. But I won't tell. LOLS. But this silly happiness that clouding my mind, somehow it helps me see myself on a new perspective. Well. Not entirely new. Just something I have been contemplating about for several weeks. Like if you put your heart in 2 different places. Serving 2 masters. And in the end, whichever side won, you will still lose. Because half of your heart belong someplace else. I don't wanna be that kind of person