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Showing posts from 2013

Runny Nose

Another post in less than 24 hours! And it's a morning one. Double wow. LOL. Maybe because this new baby is just too lightweight and too clean, lol I'm not about to brag about my laptop. Well. Shoot, then. I woke up with this heavy realization that certain things need to be done. The realization downs that it takes two willing people, to dance. I cried over the realization that in order to change, you need to decide, and sadly, I am unable to decide for others. Obviously. Red nose gone, I opened my Instagram LOL LOL. There's this one notification of picture tagged to my account. It is Nana. Posting the same picture that I just posted recently myself. LOL. We met a few days ago :) sharing lots of stuff, exchanging stories and encouragement. The kind of meeting, where you don't only spend time and eat and laugh, but you also find you are refreshed, blessed, and loved. The kind of meeting where you're not only get your tummy full of foo

A Little Thing Called Love

Hello from Jakarta ;) Yes. I'm on holiday. And yes, I do miss blogging. So many things happened in between this post and the previous one. So many events passed, memories to be bottled-up, lessons learned. A friend of mine asking if I was heartbroken. LOL. LOL. It's not my heart. It's my laptop.   Anyway.   As I say on the previous blog, TIME FLIES! It's almost 2014. Wow. Like.. WOW! I'm not about to list down my 'resolutions' here. But let me share something that I learned in this past year. Well. And yeah. It's about this little thing called : LOVE.   I first learned about love from my family. Well. I was born out of love. And as I grew older, I see things differently. As you might know, every family has their own secrets. Flaws. So does mine. When things get rough and rougher by the day, I see that love is temporary. It holds, while it lasts.   In high school, I fell in love. I like people before. B

Season of Love

Yellow! Long time no write :P So.. My favorite month just over :(:( Nevermind. Because the best MONTH of the year is coming in another 29 days! Woohoooo! They say December is the season of love. But I'll say.. Well. Maybe I just tell you a story of 2 different people. WARNING . Stories might contain some fiction or non fiction, even a bit of mixed curcol. Okeh. Cerita pertama is about this guy. Udah bertaun-taun dia menjomblo. Mencari tulang rusuk yang rasanya ga ketemu2. Beberapa usaha pedekate sudah dilancarkan ke beberapa sasaran di waktu yang mungkin bersamaan, mungkin pula berbeda. Tapi entah kenapa. It seems smua ikan di laut itu udah nempel di pancingan penjala2 ikan mereka. Mungkin dia butuh lebih daripada sekedar pancing. Mungkin dia butuh jala. Or granat. At least beberapa ikan will come out alive. Even if terumbu2 karang jd korban. Oh well. It seems there's no hope. Jadi dia memutuskan untuk berhenti. Menyerah. Sto

Love Knows No End

Yellow! It's been quite a while.  The awesome month of October is heereee! Can't believe how time flies. Christmas is coming in 2 months time. My favorite month, after October, of course. LOL. Ok lah. I tell you why October is so special. Because a few days ago was my birthdayyyy lol. It. Was. AWESOME. Ok so 1 day before the Day, I was supposed to go high-tea-ing with my girls. With all our daily routines, it's been impossible to have this kinda meet up without arranging our schedule a few weeks in advance. (Never ever take your uni life for granted, kids) Anyway. We're supposed to meet around 3.30PM at Goodwood Park. So. Plenty of time. I woke up late, my usual lazy Saturday morning. Made myself a bowl of Korean ramyun and brought it to my room so I could watch Suits while eating lol. That time, my window was opened. So was my door. The aircon was switched off. Then I heard the front door of the house was unlocked. But, of course, I thou


A few weeks ago, WW asked me to do this post. She posted one on her blog already. Well, I thought it would be an easy-peasy task to list down 10 things that you figured out about yourself. But apparently, it took me 2 weeks to actually complete it. So here goes. Enjoy =) 10 THINGS I'VE FIGURED OUT ABOUT MYSELF WHEN I GET OLDER 1. I'm no workaholic Pas jaman kuliah dulu, housemate2 pernah menganalisa gw. Mereka bilang sy adalah yg most likely bakal jd macam wanita2 workaholic abis kerja nanti. Well, sy jg dulu ngerasa begitu hahaha. Gw tipe yg kalo kerja ga bs separo2. Terus lumayan perfectionist. Tipe yg jaman SD aja bisa kena sakit maag krn ga lunch buat bkin majalah dinding (penting bgt). Tapi setelah gw masuk ke dunia kerja, my point of view completely change. I am working to live, not living to work. You are super-duper-blessed when you love your job, and you enjoy your everyday's life at the office, and that your colleague is also your good frie

Let's Fall in Love

Okeh. This is the hardest post ever. The idea itself was THERE, in this tiny little brain, since last Friday night. But to actually write it means I need to be totally honest with myself. And, of course, is never easy to come clean. Basically, uda ada 3 draft gw simpen buat post ini. Tapi ga satu pun gw rasa pantes buat di post. All seems.. too shallow and lacking of emotion (behh). Ok so here goes. Pernah denger 'The 5 Love Languages'? Jadi intinya ada tipe 5 bahasa cinta (jelek bgt kl ditranslate) yang bisa mempengaruhi kamu. Words of affirmation, act of service, receiving gifts, quality time, physical touch. Each one of us will have different language. Nih, you can take the test here. Quite interesting sih menurut gw. You get to know HOW you are affected the most. Lumayan bermanfaat, gw jadi nyadar kalo we can't expect 'treat people how you want to be treated' itu 100% manjur. Ya.. Karena emang tiap orang punya

New Place WOHOO!

Yellow!!! It's been a week since I moved out from the old place. So last week was.. superduperhectic. It's only the 2 of us, my housemate and I, but looking at our stuff.. well.... I shyly admit to the mover guy that, yes, THOSE were our pile of boxes and drawers. I love my new house. I love my new room! It's superspacious, even with our 3 wardrobes, 4 portable drawers, 2 big study tables, and my piano, I can do a cartwheel without knocking anything off its place. LOL. Anyway. Here's a song for you. Looking back to these few weeks, I saw that it is true. He is enough. Let me tell you a story about 2 girls finding  new place to stay. There were 4 of us. But 1 has went back for good, the other one happily married now. I was not surprised when the landlord's agent informed us that we won't be able to extend our tenancy because the owner will be selling the place. Not surprised. Doesn't mean I'm excited ab