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Okay. This is going to be a short one.
No worries XD

Something to remind me in the future, if I got another 'shaky feet' syndrome.

Two weeks ago (more or less), I got a phone call from one of my account assistant that she had given her resignation letter last week and her last day will be in 2 weeks times.
It's like somebody blow my balloons up.

She's currently helping me with the biggest and (considered) the most complicated project I ever had.
To make matters worse, she'll be leaving during the billing month in which there will be TONS of cheques and payment comes. Blargghghgh.

Once her called ended, I straight away went to my boss office and asked whether he heard the news.
...and of course he had.
And no, he hasn't find any replacement. Yet.

So during these few weeks, every time I remember this case, I always feel a bit 'deflated' inside.
Waking up also seems harder (except for weekends) thinking how to cope up with this project when my assistant (who has been a super helpful one) left. 
Every time this project mentioned, my 'shaky feet syndrome' came.

Her last day is this Thursday.
So last week, Friday, I came to my boss and ask him if the vacancy filled and I got another assistant.
No such luck.
He told me that he had to find 3 assistants for different projects.
He already found assistant for the other 2 projects, except mine.
Shaky feet.

Yesterday, which is Monday, my lady boss prepared breakfast for the entire accounts.
I helped out to take out the rice cake (whatever their names are) and put them on plates.
I saw a lady (never seen her before) sat on one of the common area's table.
And I gave her a plate. With rice cakes and all the gravy and chili and all the toppings.

The brekkie frenzy finished and I continued doing my things, when my boss approached me and said,
'Kezia, your assistant is here. Please teach her'

I'm like... Oooo..kay.

There she is.
I think I made a good impression on her already.
(I mean if I were her and somebody gave me a plate of breakfast out of the blue, then that somebody must be a Godsent, right? LOL)

Later that day, boss forwarded me an email from HR regarding the miraculous assistant.
It seems that actually this lady was meant for another project.
But for some obscure reason, the council of the project kinda 'reject' her and there is 'no choice' but to let her be my assistant.

I was speechless.

I keep saying that God is awesomely powerful and cares for what I need and what I feel and instead of paddling like a helpless duck in the middle of a maelstrom, I just need to put my trust in Him.
But I still got this 'shaky feet' over losing an assistant?

You know the movie 'Inception'?
Is it complicated enough? I mean the story line and the unknown ending....
(Not my favorite movie, sorry :P)

Well I imagine that while I'm thinking of the worst that could ever happened, He's doing something entirely different in the background to bring my assistant from wherever she was to the moment when I gave her a plate of rice cakes.
Had He told me what He's doing, I wouldn't understand.
It might be too complicated for my tiny human brain.
And I would never learn to trust because according to Mr Google, trust means :

Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

I cannot trust God ENTIRELY when I rely on my theoretical knowledge only.
I need to experience it first-hand.
What they say? Experience is the best teacher?

Morale of the story :

4. You don't get rejected. You get assigned/rerouted/redirected to another place/position where you are needed the most.
3. Trust is a process. Nobody gets there without going through tests and pressure and difficulties.
2. Worry and anxiety won't help. It's the other way around. (Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for  you - 1 Peter 5 :7)
1. (Once again I concede that) His ways are above my ways and His plans are waaay above mine.

He is reliable. He is able. He is strong. And He's the Truth indeed.
And just to confirm that I really GOT the message, my Bible apps just posted this verse

Fear can be a trap, but if you trust in the Lord, you will be safe.
(Proverbs 20:25, ERV)

Night awesome people.
You are safe.


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