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Goodbye Safety Blanket

Have you seen the moon tonight?
It was superbig and seems too close to the earth.
Hiding behind all those trees, feels like you can climb up and if you're lucky enough, you can see Neil Armstrong's footsteps.
LOL LOL. Exaggerating much!

I can brag about how the wind sounds like music to my ear. Or how the bushes smell of flowers (err). Or even saying that the pedestrian which I was walking on was so soft it's like walking on clouds.


Simply put, I am happy :) Annoyingly happy.

You may ask why. But I won't tell. LOLS.

But this silly happiness that clouding my mind, somehow it helps me see myself on a new perspective.
Well. Not entirely new.
Just something I have been contemplating about for several weeks.
Like if you put your heart in 2 different places.
Serving 2 masters.
And in the end, whichever side won, you will still lose.
Because half of your heart belong someplace else.
I don't wanna be that kind of person.

Everybody knows that moving forward requires a sacrifice.
Especially if that means getting out of your comfort zone to one obscurity ahead.
It's like leaving your safety blanket home because you know it's time to grow.
People might say that I was overreacting and it was unnecessary.

But for me, it is.

I just need to stop compromising just because it is easy.
And even if what I'm about to do is somewhat irrational, I know one thing.
My future is safe in My Father's hand.
Therefore I won't be afraid.


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