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Mars, Venus, Whatever

I'm sure you've heard this before 'Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus'.
It's actually the title of book written by John Gray in 1992.
According to this book, the source of many misunderstanding between the two gender is the difference between their communication style and emotional need.
One thing I most agree is that women talks about their problems to find friendly allies, just to be heard. However, men talks to get solution for their problem.

As a girl, I often find that men are the most insensitive creature on earth.
They just don't have a clue about unspeakable needs of girls.
Or maybe they just play dumb? LOL

Take my dad as a simple case study.

He almost never remember anyone's birth day.
He even forgotten my mom's birthday, which I found rather unbelievable since it was on Dec 24.
I mean, it's ONE day before CHRISTMAS, Dad!
He also forgets mine and my sisters, but we've gotten used to it.

So on Christmas night, while having our Christmas-dinner-slash-Mom's-bday-treat,
we talk about this 'habbit' of him.
Mom told us an anecdote about an employee of hers and his ex-girlfriend.
Cut the story short, he forgot about her birthday.
She got pissed (obviouslyyyyy) and she broke up with him right away.
Hearing this, dad tooks the poor guy's side (surprise suprise).
He said, when the girl broke up with him, she actually did him a favor.
(Dad : "What kind of girl break up because of such silly reason)
And I (and Mom, and my sister) was like,
It's NOT silly!
How can this guy possibly loves her if he cannot even remember her birthday?
But Dad said that care about someone does not positively correlated with doing small things
(such as a simple happy birthday) that could make her/him happy (huh? I'm confused myself)

So now, can you see how men and women is NOT the same?

I often wonder about this 'phenomenon'.
How can a man and a woman be so different yet they instinctively looking for each other 'half'.
But after some thinking, maybe this differences that pull them towards each other in the first place.
Like the positive and negative polar of magnets that pull each other closer.
They complete each other.

But isn't this difference itself that makes relationship is hard to maintain?
After you found each other, how could you survive 'the war'?
The war of a constant misundertanding, of not knowing what each other wanted,
repeatedly disappointed, and as a result, hurt.

I think the best recipe for this is, well, nothing but a good communication.
If men are bad on reading clues, just tell him what you want.
I know sometimes it's not that simple.
But I believe if you love someone, you wouldn't let him/her slip through your fingers just because you don't try hard enough, right?
Well, at least, I do.
I believe that fall in love is a choice.
But a good relationship is a result of hardwork :)


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