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A Living Example

Yellow hello!

The first TLG in 2016 was AWESOME! Awesome GOD!!!

Personally, the best part was during doa jem 4.
Ampun deh baru juga merem, doa, my heart whispered, "You're home."
And He told me, "Yes. You are home."
Gila deh. Gimana ga banjir.... Maap ya ci Beck tissuenya gw yang abisin wkwk.
Ya gitu deh. I'm just super grateful for this little place where my soul is at home.
I know that wherever I am, God is with me. But there is no place I'd rather be on a Saturday night..
And for that, I am forever grateful. God is good!


Today is not another curhat2an ga jelas dari gw wkwk.

Today is about one person that has been the major influence in my life since day 1 :

Last Christmas I had a chance to spend most of my time with her, at home, nonton tv, belanja groceries ala emak2, jogging pagi sama Mupin, ke dokter check-up (baca curhatan gw sblmnya dah), kejebak macet parah di Bandung, beli martabak Boss (penting banget), curhat-ngafe-sessions, etc etc.

I've known her for 26 years (iyalah ya..) and as time goes by, gw makin wise (tua) dan makin mengerti kalo there are lots of types of ibu2 and if I could choose a mom for myself, I would still choose her over and over again.

Here's why.

Mama is not perfect. Siapa juga yang perfect di dunia?
She made mistakes. Small ones. Big ones. Major one.

Tapi Mama adalah ibu yang berdoa. Tiap pagi mana pernah dia lupa doain gw sm si Febe.
Plus colleague gw, boss2 gw, apa pun juga yang jadi beban doa gw, dia pasti doain.
Ya soalnya gw suka curhat ama dia wkwkwk.
Gw percaya banget kalo gw sekarang adalah gw yang sekarang karena Tuhan denger doa si Mama.

Waktu kecil gw pengen banget kerja kaya si Mama.
Di gedung gede dan keren dan ada Starbucks di bawahnya. Bahaha.
Lah taunya Tuhan kasih gw kerjaan yang emang kaya si Mama.
Bukan gedungnya..... Tapi kita sama2 di bagian accounts yang manage property.
Terus Mama is entrusted to lead persekutuan kantor dia. Every Friday, lunch time, di basement Pacific Place.
Gw suka dateng dulu jaman2 internship or jaman liburan panjang.
Dulu gw berdoa, “Tuhan, aku jg mau kaya Mama bisa melayani ngelead persekutuan.”
Then I was entrusted to lead The Royals.
Lah.. Bisa gitu.. Emang cuman Tuhan yang bisa ya..
Gw masih terkagum2 sama Tuhan kalo inget itu hahaha. Little detail He takes care loh!
What matters to us matters to Him!

About Mama.

Mama itu independent.

Si Febe pernah ngomong bluntly.
"Mam. You udah kaya single parent aja."
Wwkwk. Emang si Febe bgitu ngomongnya suka ga pake dihalusin.
Mom takes care of our school and uni. Ambil rapot, tau2 jadwal exams.
And financially dia juga sih.
Urusan rumah juga mayan banyak she also takes care.
Si Papa ada komitmen buat bantuin keluarga besar dia yang lain.
Dulu gw suka geregetan sih. Well I know it's not supposed to be that way.
But then again, I realized that I was never left alone for God always provides.

Liburan kemarin Mama bilang gini,
"Ya. Mama belajar kalo pernikahan itu adalah melakukan kehendak Tuhan."
Intinya apa pun yang dia bikin, she does it for God and for His glory alone.
Kalo gw boleh bilang, Mom is the living example of Gal 2 : 20
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Gw sempet throw tantrum (yes. Me. 26-years-old-me) liburan kemarin.
Gw kesel karena si Papa ga berenti2 teleponan dan teleponan dan teleponan.
Kayanya sih ngomong sm client2 gitu apa gmn.
Padahal kita lagi road trip dan abis road trip itu dia bakal ke Bali sama ade2 tiri gw dan abis itu dia ke Sulawesi. Which means cuman ketemu gw in that short 3 days.
I was like, "Come on! What's your priority here?"
Terus gw kaya tiduran di kamar hotel bilang, "No! Ga mau keluar makan. Males."

Terus si Mama bilang, "Yah Kak.. Emang gitu kan si Papa. Don't let this ruin your supposedly sweet holiday".

Iya juga si bener. Lagian gw laper. Jadi gw keluar kamar juga hahah.
Ujung2nya malah mendadak karokean Natal sama si Febe diiringi live music wkwkwk.
Dipikir2 malu jg men.. Udah tua tapi kelakuan kaya bocah. Emang cuman your closest ones yang bisa bring out the worst version of you.

But this gets me thinking.

It's not easy living with my Dad.
Gw aja baru bentar udah KEZEL. Apalagi si Mama..
Dan dia bisa bilang kalo marriage itu adalah melakukan kehendak Tuhan??
Saya kagum, Saudara Saudara.

Waktu itu si Febe cerita.
Kan si Papa pulangnya itu suka malem2, jadi si Mama kasian sama si Mbak karena udah tidur masa dibangunin. Jadi dia bangun sendiri bukain pager buat si Papa.
Dan besokannya si Mama itu udah bangun pagi buat saat teduh sama siap2 kerja dll.
Si Febe nanya Mama,
"Mam. Mama dibangunin gitu emang ga keganggu tidurnya?"
"Ya keganggu lah Feb. Kadang suka ngantuk2 bangunnya."
"Mana enak, Ma."
"Hmm.. Tapi Mama enjoy aja tuh, Feb. Kan Mama melayani."
Dan si Febe terheran2 karena emang si Mama enjoy aja bangun tengah malem, keganggu tidurnya, demi bukain pintu buat si Papa.
Keliatan gitu kalo dia rela dan santai.
I know lah sometimes when we are forced to do something and we do it out of obligation, the joy is kinda non-existent.
Tapi di sini bener-bener nyata Collossions 3 : 23 nya

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.


Terakhir deh pas pulang dari belanja emak2, gw nanya si Mama,
"Mam, gimana kmrn anniversary kan?"
"Yaelah sibuk, Kak. Si Papa juga mana inget haha. Ya kamu taulah si Papa. Kalo inget itu Mama paling blg puji TUhan. Kalo ga inget ya biasa.."
Emang si Papa suka lupa tanggalan. Gw jg sk lupa tanggalan, cuman kan mbok anniversary gitu....
Trus si Mama bilang,
"Ya emang gitu si Papa. Cuman dari aneh2nya dia, ada 1 hal yang Mama liat kagum banget loh. Dia itu ga pernah menyerah. Ga gampang dibikin down sama kondisi! Selalu semangat!"

How easy it is for me to remember one's wrong-doing and how hard it is to appreciate one's good quality.
But it's the other way around with Mom.
I guess that’s what happens when you put God’s first.
You’re becoming more and more like Him.

There’s so so so so much more about Mom yang bikin gw terkagum-kagum.
Those 3 anecdotes above can’t even begin to describe her diamond-like qualities.
I am a blessed daughter indeed.

Quoting one of Febe's instagram caption:
"Mom is tough. She's independent, hard worker, she knows what she wants. Yet she's gentle.
She knows how to take care of her husband and kids. She put our needs above hers.
She loves us more than she loves herself.
One of the biggest thing I've learned from Mom is that in every seasons, God is there. In good and bad times, God is there. I've heard it trough her words, seen it through her life. So, give thanks to the Lord!"

Simply said,

A good woman is hard to find,
    and worth far more than diamonds.
Her husband trusts her without reserve,
    and never has reason to regret it.
Never spiteful, she treats him generously
    all her life long. (Proverbs 31:10-12)

I love you, Mom.
But Jesus loves you more.


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