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Curhat #4 (Best Christmas Pressie)

Yellow hello!!!

Blogging from my very own bedroom with si bandel Mupin sleeping right beside me.
What more could I ask, really. Hahahhaa.

I have lots of stories from our short-getaway. Epic moments.
But I'll tell you later.

Now I just want to bask in the glory of Jesus' amazing love.
This is the kind of feeling that I just want to bottle up forever.
And never let go.

Okeh sebelum cerita, below is one song that has blessed me a lot (tears and all). 
Enjoy ;)

Here goes.

I have blogged a lot about this friend of mine. We've met in uni.
(OMG it's been 7 years......)
Have been praying for him for quite some times. (2 yrs? 3 yrs? ga inget.)
Mulainya gw itu ga ngerti, kenapa gw musti temenan ama ini bocah.
Gw ga bermaksud over-analyze stuff here, tp as I grew deeper in love with Christ, I found it harder and harder to talk to him.
Gausah ngomongin curhat girly2 deh. Ngomongin hal biasa aja bisa jadi beranteman loh.
Kaya when I told him how blessed I was that day, dia bakal bilang, "Ah you're just lucky".
That's the best scenario. Can you imagine when it get worse?
So I asked God why. And He asked me to pray.
So I pray.

I was tempted many times to give up along the way.
I did not see any significant changes. Dia tetep begitu aja.
Same old same old?
Gw inget banget waktu itu gw curhat sm Tuhan kalo gw pngen brenti aja deh doain capek bangetttt.
He told me,
"Who are you to give up on him when I never give up on you?"


Aku mah apa atuh?


Yaudah jadi gw berdoa terus aja.
Gw belajar kalo sumber dari rasa capek gw adalah karena gw expect a certain outcome.
Gw expect instant changes, when what He appreciate the most is the process.
Gw expect setiap scripture yang gw quote ke dia, setiap share, setiap lagu yang gw kasih ke dia itu bisa bikin dia tiba2 bisa liat Tuhan dan ga despo lagi.
...ya kali.
If I was here because of His grace alone, then that same Grace is going to save him as well.
My part is to obey and pray.
The rest is His!

Beberapa hari yang lalu kita ngobrol lagi.
Gw rada lupa gimana sih bisa ngobrol lagi ya?

Tapi dia tiba2 bilang kalo dia lagi berdoa.
I was like..
W H A T W H A T ? ? ?

You can say I'm lebay here but knowing that this man, despite the weekly Sunday services attended, was still a borderline agnostic/atheist (ya intinya kalo denger kata "Tuhan" or "doa" or yang semacemnya cuman bilang "..meh") dan this time dia bilang dia BERDOA.

I can't say much here because it's not my part to share.
Ya gw jg ga ngerti wholly what's going on over there with him.
But we talked quite a lot.
Some keywords like "God's will", "let go", "amen" were mentioned.
We even talked about Hillsong and Bethel Church music.
And for the very first time.. we can see eye to eye.

It took me some times to realize that I was crying while reading his text.


I was humbled by His love.
Gw tau banget kalo ini smua cuman karena Tuhan, ga ada urusannya sama gw.
Lah. Orang gw aja doain suka bolong2. Pake acara mau give up pula.
I was left with nothing else to say but 'Thank You, Lord.'
Even when I'm straying away, You are still a good good Father.
A good Shepherd that won't let a single sheep wandering around a dangerous place.

Gw ga bilang kalo semuanya udah kelar.
Doa gw dijawab. Temen gw bertobat. Dan gw naek kuda ke arah matahari terbenam?
Ga gitu juga.
I believe His process in my friend's life has just begun, but I know that no matter how tough it is, he is safe in God's mighty hand.
And that's the best thing about living under His grace : the assurance that we are in good hand.
That our loved ones are in His good hand.
And He never let go.
Christ is enough.

Good night, Beloved.

PS : Thank You for the best Christmas present ever!! How can I not love You!


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