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Perfect Love

Yes. So.
Just something that I've learned (voluntarily or non-voluntarily LOL) in the past year.

It's Valentine's Day.
So yeah. I'm about to (cliche-ly) talking about L.O.V.E.
If you're wondering why I keep repeating on the same topic, well, read on.


1. Love is freely given

Have you ever heard of this

 "The best things in life are free; the second best are expensive." -Coco Chanel.


Take 'air' for example. We need it 24/7. And luckily, it is free for us to take.

Breathe in, breathe out, as much as you'd like.

I can't imagine if they charge $0.01 per inhale.

There goes the whole month salary lol.

So does Love.

It is given to us, freely.
There were times when I wonder : if God so love the world, how come too many people in this world are bitter and hardened and don't feel loved at all! 
I once was one of this people.
But then I understand.
That by freewill, comes consequences.
We, human, are free to choose. We are given the authority to choose and decide the course of our life.
And when it comes to this Perfect Love, we also need to choose.
We need to choose to ACCEPT this Love.
For love that is forced on us, is not love at all.

So, yes. Love is freely given.
But it comes to yourself to decide whether you want it or not.
Many times, we are clueless on what we need.
Simply because we never know how life's feel without it.
Lots and lots of us are clueless that we need Love.
Simply because we never experience how this perfect Love could turn our life upside down for the better.
Or they know that they need it, but then they look for it in all the wrong places.
Which will only drive them away further for those love is not enough to feel the empty space.

Well. If you feel tired of life and the monotony.
Or restless of never ending duties and responsibilities that brings you nowhere.
It might be the time for you to choose that you need something more.

2. Terms and Condition Applied. NOT.

I love discount. I LOVE discounts.
But then, under this 50% signage, there too often T&C in fine prints under it.
50% discount! (If you spend more than $300) ._. hello
What I learn about Love is that NO T&C applied.
No hidden cost whatsoever LOLS.

If you've read prev posts, I often mentions that I grew up realizing that love is temporary.
So I had this pessimistic opinion on love. 
A self-defense mechanism to guard my heart against getting hurt.
Well, love does not worth every tears and sacrifices, after all.
To love means to open up and that means they can see your flaw.
And believe me, sooner or later, people spots flaw.
When love fades and ends, it is worse that never been loved at all.

But when I choose to need MORE, when I choose to accept that I can no longer live without Love,
I understand that Perfect Love doesn't come with terms and condition.

God loves me just as I am.
And He loves you, too, just as you are.

When I was in Sunday School, I thought if I done my homework and obeying my parents and never pick a fight with other kids, Jesus will love me.
When I was in high school, I thought that if never cheat on exams, never bail on Sunday mass, never answer back when kena scold by my parents, Jesus will love me.
In fact, I never think much about Jesus back then.
Only that Jesus loves people, He dies for them.
So what? I was a good person because I refrained from doing bad.
Suffice to say, I was one arrogant kid back then lol.
One insecure arrogant kid.

Well, now I understand that it is okay to open up.
For He has seen all of our flaws, He sees what we try to hide on plain sight.
He even can read every single things we think about, do you know that?
If Jesus could forgive Paul, who persecuted too many Christians back then, why can't He forgive me?
And take note that not only forgave, He made Paul apostle!
So it's not that because we are the most selfless, kind-hearted people on earth that He loves us THAT much.
It is the other way around.. Which brings us to the 3rd point.

3. Love sets free

Cinta tak harus memiliki.
NONONONO not that one! LOL.

What I mean is, when you have decided that you need something MORE, and you accept that you need this Perfect Love in your messed-up life, there is no more condemnation.
Perfect Love casts all of my fears and insecurities.
I know that I am flawed, that I am not perfect.
I know that I make mistakes.
Lots and lots of mistakes.
But when I ask for forgiveness and choose to stop doing it, He's the first one who give me a hug :)

Love sets us free from condemnation.
It also sets us free from the binding power of sin.

Many times in our lives, we make mistakes and feel guilty about it.
The second time, it feels less guilty. The third time, the lesser.
Then we make a habit of it. Well, why not? The rest also do the same, what. LOL.
Just because everybody do it, doesn't make it right. More like a collective mistakes ._.

God love us despite all the dirt and mud that covers us.
And when we accept that the dirt and the mud is not 'our style' anymore, He cleans us up and gives us the freedom to stand up straight, even upon scrutinizing eyes, simply because we have nothing else to hide any longer.

Come clean (literally and figuratively speaking) upon God, it sets you free.

4. To Love Means To Give

Some people say that Valentine's Day is overrated.
For me personally, it is one of the day in which I am reminded that I live because someone has loved me first.
Well, Valentine's Day may or may not be overrated.
One thing for sure, it is a day that is widely acknowledge in which you can express your gratitude towards love from people around you.
I wrote this before, but love without action to show it, is not really love at all. LOL.

See. When I experience how the Love has changed me, I was enable to love Him back.
Because you can't give what you can't have in the first place.
I love Him, because He loved me first.
I love others, because God's perfect love reminds me that I am who I am today because of His love.

To love means to give.
Give your time, your heart, your money, your energy, to reach out to people around you.
Not only for those that you feel deserved, but for ALL.
For people that might never love you back.
For people that hurt you because they don't know how to love without getting hurt themselves.

To love means to give.
You have given plenty, but love is in short supply out there.
What do they say? Sharing means caring.
Besides, Perfect Love comes in abundance.
It is freely given without terms and conditions ;)

I may give away everything I have to help others, and I may even give my body as an offering to be burned.
But I gain nothing by doing all this if I don’t have love.
Love is patient and kind.
Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud.
Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily.
Love does not remember wrongs done against it.
Love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always happy with the truth.
Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits.   Love will never end.
(1 Corinthians 13:3-8 ERV)

Happy Valentine's Day <3 div="">
You are loved.


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