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Love Like That

Yeah! Finally, some me-time! ;)
Change bed-sheet? Checked.
Doing weekly laundry? Checked.
YouTube + earpiece? Checked.
Room mate asleep? Checked. LOLS.

So many things happened this week.
So many words cramped inside this so little space called brain.
So here goes:
Things revealed. Money lost. Shock. Sick. Feverish. MC. Business taken care. Money found. Miraculously money never lost. Healed. Back to work. Another miracle: 4 accounts closed in 1 day. Awesome FA. Revelations over revelations. Another revelation *smirksmirk* Food tasting. Another soon-to-be-TheRoyal's-colleague. Another meeting. 1st offering sermon EVER. Nervous like.. so nervous. DONE! New friend introduced. Another awesome fellowship.
Yep. I guess that's all :)

Well, later I'll let you know the detail.
Let's just say that I was reminded how it is to live under grace and favor of God.
Once you're in, you'd never know how it would be like to be out of it.
Like trying to breath when you know you're in outer space. Simply no oxygen.

Anyway, today sermon in YRC was about something that I was contemplating on for quite some times.
About putting your hope in others.
And the following disappointment that leads to less and lesser hopes in the end.
About loving something or someone until you put it/him/her first over God.

I honestly say I'm thinking about it because this was what I've been doing the whole time.
Well.... *shyshy*

All my life I know that I need to put God first and foremost above anything and anyone.
But I'd like to come clean that all this time, all I do is the exact opposite.
Well, I keep saying and I think I actually believe that I have put Him first.
The thing is, I could stay up all night just to wait for a single chat *past-tense-here, okay*
but at the same time, my morning devotion was always done in a rush.
You see here.
I could love people soooosooomuch. Toooo much. LOL.
That I would wait the whole night even when I was sleepy and tired just to hear a simple 'hello'.
But to greet my Father, I should drag myself and done it out of habit and obligation.

Okay.. That's just a simple example.

I am thankful and grateful that I've been made to choose.
As I mentioned in my previous entry here that you can not serve 2 masters.
Either you love Him entirely. Or you don't.
And I choose to solely love Him and to put Jesus first no matter might happen.

Yes, it's true that when I say : let Your will be done in my life, He did it.
He does it.
I cry, I bled (inside lah not outside), I'm doing things that I never thought I could do.
I feel things that I never thought I could feel.
And He works wonders.

And yes, whenever I remember, I'll be praying for you.
And I know that no pray goes unheard, simply because Jesus loves us too much :)

Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents.
Mostly what God does is love you.
Keep company with Him and learn a life of love.
Observe how Christ love us.
His love was not cautious but extravagant.
He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of Himself to us.
Love like that.
(Ephesians 5:1-2 MSG)

Great things are happening. More to come.
And while waiting on it, I just wanna learn to love unselfishly.
Love like that.


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