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Say What You Need To Say

Take out of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all your so-called problems,
Better put them in quotations

Say what you need to say [x8]

Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living up the same old moment
Knowing you'd be better off instead,
If you could only . . .

Say what you need to say [x8]

Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You'd better know that in the end
Its better to say too much
Than to never to say what you need to say again

Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open

I've been contemplating this song for quite some times.
Once, I thought that dearest John Mayer here was so right.
That this life is unpredictable.
You'd never know what would happen tomorrow.
Life is short. Too short.
You wouldn't know where the end is.
And due to the undeniable fact above, we should not miss opportunities out.

According to this song, we "better say too much. Than to never to say what you need to say"
Including telling the person we like, how much we like them.
Because maybe, just maybe, tomorrow we'll be gone, or they'll be gone
and what's left is the bitter taste in our tongue.
A taste of an opportunities forgone. For-I don't know-ever?

That was me a couple years back.
I kept telling myself that I need to be brave.
I need.. To say something.

I don't know exactly what's amplified this thought.
Too much love songs?
Or.. Asian Drama?
LOL. No, I wasn't a big fan of those serial dramas.
But I think it has something to do with movies.
Romantic one.
Especially the part when the man and woman separated in tears
because none of them saying anything or admit anything
because they were afraid of driving the other's apart or breaking the friendship blablabla.
And at the end/when they've become grannies and grandpas
they would reminisce about the 'love of their life' and die in regret
(assuming the worst case here. I'm a fatalistic. LOL)

However, back then, when I nearly jump off the cliff
(err.. Not literally. Only about the 'saying' stuff)
there was little voice inside me, prevented me from 'being brave'
It was like "ARE YOU CRAZY?" "WASTE OF TIME.." on and on.
So, I keep things to myself.

The question's now... Do I regret it?
Do I regret 'missing out' on the opportunity?
I can tell you loud and clear.


I even thought that were I say something, anything at all,
it would be very very damn embarrassing!
And stupid. And reckless. Nearly to point of.. self destructing.
I mean, self-confidence destructing. LOL

I was thankful. I AM thankful.
I was saved by that little voice, which I called "consciousness"
or rather.. logic.

I mean, silent is not always gold, but in certain situation, yes, gold is applied.
So. do you need to say whatever you need (or you think you need) to say??
No, you don't.

Firstly, you should think how your words affect the person.
Is it necessary? Will it hurt? Will it make him/her feel good after hearing what you say.

Secondly, how your words affect yourself, and your long-term self?
Have a broader view to the future, please.
You might be happy some times, but would it last long?

Shortly, it was a cost/benefit analysis
(I'm an accounting and finance almost-grad, remember?)

Will the benefit outweigh the cost?

If yes, well, think twice.
Is there any other factor you haven't considered in the equation.
If everything is directing you to the same conclusion that it was inevitable,
that you MUST do it, be brave.
Don't back down and chicken out!

If no..
Obviously, DON'T do it.
Or.. Maybe you'll do it anyway.
It's either you are too recklessly impulsive..
Or simply selfish? Not my call to judge ;)


No, Mr. John C. Mayer.
I won't JUST say what I need to say.

Oh.. And those movies I mentioned above?
They are just movies, for God sake.
Don't over 'dramatized' yourself!
See, that's why I prefer horror/thriller.
At least they never tried to be 'real'. LOL


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