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Ra-ra-rapunzel Let Down Your Hair

In the short 21 years of my life, I always fascinated with the fairytale of Rapunzel and her legendary long-long-long-long (okay you got the point) hair.

Like most of my childhood memories, it is kinda vague, what makes me like it more than Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and the rest of pretty (Disney) princesses.

Maybe it has to do with long hair. I always want a gleaming long blonde hair. Of course due to the fact that I was born ASIAN, the blonde part would be somehow artificially made. Besides, I don't wanna considered stupid or empty headed, you know, with all the fake blonde look. No offense for all the natural (or unnatural) blondes here. LOL

Ok back to Rapunzel.
I prefer the Disney's Tangled version to the girly girly pink Barbie version because somehow I pictured her (Rapunzel) as:

She should be tough, see, 18 years held captive in a tower with nobody to talk to other than a frequently visiting witch, and herself, yet she doesn't turn NUTS.
Even Disney think this was SUCK. That's why they give her a cute chameleon in Tangled, right?
(Hey I never regarded chameleon as 'cute' before. See how everything looks good in cartoon version? I surely won't ever carry a chameleon on my shoulder like parrots to pirates. No thanks)

The cute chameleon :D

She doesn't have to do things like Markov Chain or even a simple double entry.
I'm not saying I would enjoy being an adolescence who does NADA her entire life.
But after a short 'runaway' period, all she got to do is, reign the throne, or whatever. LOL.
Nothing to worry like world peace or poverty or tsunami or a sudden volcano eruption (refer to the Yogyakarta's Merapi eruption) since the tale itself was meant for children consumption only.

Have been mentioned above. But I just cannot resist wanting such hair. See the movie, it is multipurpose and come in attractive packaging. I can lasso bad guys and stuff with it. HAHAHA. Lame.

The Multipurpose Hair

OKAY. Last but not least. This is the CORE of every fairytale.........


Eugene (a.k.a Flynn) - the should be handsome guy
Not my type but since he's should be the one for Rapunzel, well..

Yayayaya I know I'm not 14. But who can refuse being saved from sheer boredom by a firm-cute-kinda-dangerous-looking man.
(Even if Rapunzel had this Wii with all the game in the world in her secluded tower, she still be pretending to be BORED and need to GET OUT, just to be on the save side, you know)
This Flynn is not even has a drip of royal blood whatsoever. He's only a thief. A handsome one, but still a thief. Hey isn't the real tale it was a prince? Anyway, I kinda admire Rapunzel's choice.
She sees beyond skin and title to the depth and quality of a man.
Or maybe it's just because he's the first man who GET to her. Literally -_-
This Disney version even complete the prince-charming typical by adding Maximus, the Royal Kingdom white horse.

After some deep thought moments, I don't think it's merely Flynn that helped Rapunzel out of her misery.
If she never has the guts to leave her comfy tower in the first place, maybe what happening was the guy came.. and go. She would never be free if she didn't take her first step out, wouldn't she?

Yea I know I am tad too old for this kiddy story.
But isn't it that keep us going?
Hope that in the end everything will gonna be okay.
Despite everything bad happened, yes, happy ending does exist.
For those who believe. And try, though there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel.

This was taken from the scene where Rapunzel and Flynn sees flying lanterns.
This is my FAVORITE scene ever! <3
In the same boat with my favorite person, looking at those beautiful shiny things surrounding us..

Don't ask me to let down my hair for you to climb. I mean, they have elevator these days.


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